Diseases & Conditions

Gout Facts

Gout Facts

Gout Overview     Gout was first identified as early as 2,640 BC by the ancient Egyptians.  But, despite its long history, gout remains a major public health concern, with an increasing number of people suffering from what can be an extremely painful condition.   Gout is caused initially by an excess of uric acid […]

Headaches Facts

Headaches Facts

  Headaches Overview Did you know that more people complain about headaches than any other type of ailment?  Headaches are common, and many people treat themselves with simple painkillers, drinking extra water, having a rest, or simply by waiting for the headache to go away. A headache is one of the most common reasons for […]

Nosebleeds Facts

Nosebleeds Facts

  Nosebleeds Overview When nosebleeds occur, most people would react off the top of your head to look up in order to stop your nose from bleeding. However, it is the typical first-aid mistake. This way may easily lead to the backflow of blood into organs like throat & stomach, which thus causes pessimal stimulation […]

Diabetes Facts

Diabetes Facts

  Diabetes Overview   Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is classed as a metabolism disorder. Metabolism refers to the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. Most of what we eat is broken down into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar in the blood – it is the principal source of fuel for […]

