The information in this website belongs to 5Color Diet & is for informational purposes only. We provide & promote health information in health facts, health problems, skincare problems, natural remedies & recipes based on East-West food therapies like 5 color diet theory (Red, Orange/ Yellow, Green, Black/ Purple/ Blue & White/ Tan & Brown colors), Chinese medicine theory of foods elements (fire, metal, earth, wood & water), energies (cool, cold, neutral, warm & hot) & flavors (bitter, pungent, sour, sweet & salty), etc to help improve health concerns or help to support better health.
You can use any information to help improve your health concerns or help to support better health but it is advisable to seek health experts’ advice shall your health conditions deteriorate. By accessing our website, you agree that you are solely responsible for the way that our information is perceived & utilized, and do so at your own risk. 5Color Diet is not responsible for any injury caused in whole or in part from the information contained within this website.
Links to other websites are provided as a service. 5Color Diet will not be responsible for the nature & content on those websites & does not guarantee the accuracy of their information.
Lastly, reproducing contents, in any form from 5Color Diet website is prohibited without written permission. We endeavour to keep our information up to date & correct. All information & images are subject to modifications & changes without any prior notice.